26' Sea Skiff Jack trimmed and sealed the bungs for the hatch frame on the big Sea Skiff. He also made custom brackets to hold the throttle cable, and cut out and installed the dash panel. 19' Lyman Nicolas and Gary took the new Lyman out for a trial to diagnose all the things to get started on. 55' Continental I finished installing the Alligator ceiling boards. Gator Crossing! 1956 Sportsman
After lots of sanding, patching, and primer; Shane finished the second coat of the bronze bottom paint!
Greeting boat lovers, Gary here. Meghan is on the road so I am going to try to do the web-log, I think you kids call it a Blog, did I say that right? Lots of good stuff happening. Boats coming in and boats going out. We have finished the Lightning sailboat and the 1940 Chris Craft Utility. Incoming boats include a 1967 19ft Lyman Runabout, an 18 ft Chris Craft Holiday and an 18ft Century Resorter. Shane has done a lot of painting, the primer on the Sportsman and the final coats on the 26ft Sea Skiff. Nicolas is doing very detailed work, masking and painting the white stripes on the deck of the 1955 Continental. ![]() Meghan has been in the bilges of boats installing ceiling boards and running gear. How do you like that photo? Can you believe I used to teach photography. This is a "teaching moment" Jack has been doing detailed work on the windshield for the Sea Skiff. Four little parts when assembled become one major piece. Gonna be fun lifting that. I'm collecting parts, gaskets and fasteners to reassemble a Chris Craft 283. The primer on the Sportsman has been applied, now waiting for it to cure. Sometimes it's like we sit around watching paint dry... Nicolas keeping his edges honed
'56 Continental Gary finished wiring the dash panel and Jack installed it. Gary and I installed the windows. 17' Sportsman Shane has tediously peeled off the old bottom varnish, sanded, plucked out bad screws and replaced them with new ones, and next will fill in the holes. 55' Continental I removed off the old alligator upholstery, cleaned off the board and put new foam and upholstery on. Dry fit in the boat.... Gator Crossing!
This past weekend Gary took us all to the quaint coastal town of Oriental. The sailing capital of North Carolina. It was picture perfect! He took us out on his boat where we sailed the Neuse River, it was my first time sailing and wow; all I could think was that it was better than a roller coaster! Nicolas thought I was going to capsize us, you can see the fear on his face. And yet, we lived to tell the tale. Deluxe Runabout Yesterday we took the Deluxe out for a sea trial. It's ready to go and it's for sale. Let us know if you're interested! 1956 17' Sportsman We're starting on the Sportsman this week. We'll start by hand-stripping the bottom. 1955 Continental
Jack and I, dry fitting the ceiling boards. |
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